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Simple - flexible - reliable
Mini excavators, trailers, traffic safety
Traffic safety
We are certified according to MVAS-99, ZTV-sa-97 and RSA-95!
In detail...
The access road must be properly blocked, especially when delivering prefabricated houses, garages, cranes or work platforms. Often these also block parts of the street or sidewalks.
We take over for you:
the creation of a comprehensive road sign plan according to RSA95
timely submission of all documents
Approval procedure with the respective authority
Installation of traffic signs and barriers according to the traffic sign plan
Ensure road safety
As soon as a construction site security or a blockage in or directly adjacent public traffic area for any construction projects - or deliveries such as a prefabricated garage or a prefabricated house - is to be set up, the interests of road users and authorities must be taken into account, since traffic safety must be guaranteed at all times is.
The roads must be properly secured and signposted in the corresponding areas. Early announcements and appropriate safety measures should ensure that there is no traffic chaos or conflicts. It is therefore very important to notify the relevant road traffic authorities as early as possible and in due time of such construction work and the associated interference with road traffic.
Plan early and apply in accordance with the regulations
All traffic signs and facilities for building site security are on
the basis of the road traffic regulations according to § 45 StVO from the competent authority
to arrange. Applications are usually to be sent to the responsible person at least 2 weeks in advance
To submit the issuing authority. Road signs must be 72 hours (3 days)
be asked beforehand ... You should therefore plan enough time to process and implement your request.
The most important and most frequent reason for short-term construction site security is the space required for loading and unloading work on the construction site. The blocking of the traffic area during the entire construction period will only be granted if it is proven to be absolutely necessary.
Self-made or created construction site safeguards by means of flutter tape or self-made signs are not permitted and, in the worst case, result in uninvited visitors.
Traffic sign plans / signage plans. Who is allowed to do what and where is it regulated?
Traffic safety is always necessary if construction work is to take place in the area of public roads or if those are touched. This also applies if events, markets or similar events are to take place in public places or streets. Traffic safety is therefore necessary in order to divert traffic or to safely lead it past construction sites. All measures required for this are legally stipulated and regulated in the Guidelines for Securing Workplaces (RSA).
The client or organizer must therefore obtain an official permit (VRAO) from the responsible authority, which sometimes contains the appropriate traffic plans including traffic signs and signs for the area concerned.
If this is not included with the application, the registration of barriers for your project is incomplete and therefore cannot be approved.
An excerpt from MVAS 1999 describes the prerequisites that should be demanded by the authority:
".... According to the additional technical contract conditions and guidelines for securing work at workplaces on roads (ZTV-SA 97) introduced with the announcement of January 13, 1998 (AllMBl p. 81), evidence of the suitability and qualification of the named person responsible for securing Jobs with the offer are requested by the bidder. "
Source: Suggested citation: Announcement by the Bavarian State Ministry of the Interior about roadworks; Leaflet on general conditions for the necessary specialist knowledge for traffic safety at workplaces on roads (MVAS 1999) dated November 3, 1999 (AllMBl. P. 902)
We are after MVAS-99, ZTV-sa-97 and RSA-95 certified and create your plans according to official specifications.
For you this means more time for your building project or event and one less worry. We take care of the timely assembly, dismantling and signage. In doing so, we observe all legal provisions, guidelines and specifications according to RSA.
Do not hestiate to contact us. We will be happy to advise you and make you an offer tailored to your project.